Berghaus Extrem
Berghaus have been a client for more years than I can remember. Our working relationship has evolved to a point where they give me completely free reign to do what I want, and trust that I deliver exceptional images in return.
Their flagship clothing series is called the Extrem range, and as the name suggest the clothing line is made for the severest and most extreme climbing and mountain locations. Every year I try and surpass the images that I deliver the year before, so that their product branding evolves as well getting more and more ‘extreme’ as time goes by. Obviously it gets harder every year to better the pervious year’s effort, but with the right team almost anything is possible.
This year I opted to climb a technical and committing ridge line called the Diables Arete on Mont Blanc du Tacul. Having climbed it before I knew that it was one of the most scenic areas of the Mont Blanc massif, but I also knew that it was a huge climb and we would have to move fast and efficiently to cover such a distance. Thankfully the images speak volumes to the effort that was put in to this shoot and we came away with hugely successful campaign imagery.

Full moon on the approach with Mont Blanc in the background

Sunrise on the ridge

Ben on the first crux

Mont Blanc in the background

The weather starts to roll in off Mont Blanc

Arriving at the summit
