Droites - Legarde Direct
On Thursday morning we headed over to try Dessous Choc in Chatelard. Whilst it looks like an amazing climb its getting too warm and even though we hit it early in the morning there were large bits falling off and it was pissing it down. So it was decided to bail half way up. Le cigar is still fine though for the moment.

Will Sim on Dessous Choc
In the afternoon we headed over to Grands Montets to climb the Legarde Direct the next morning. The couloir itself is in fine nick with bomber ice pretty much all the way up. With all the fresh snow around it was a right ass to put a track up it though- especially the last sections (thanks Will). The descent off the South side is very well equipped but obviously a real slog in all the fresh and wet snow. Took us 8 hours and alot of frustration to get from the summit to town again….I’d recommend skis or rapping down the route on abalakovs for the moment.

Me on the first ice falls, © Will Sim

Will Sim on the second ice falls
Parties on the British route on the Nanat blanc and Dru couloir direct as well, but not sure how they got on. Dru direct looks pretty dry for the moment.