Pointes Lachenal - Star Academixe
A late start form the Midi saw us at the base of the Lachenal at 2.30pm. Still sunny, we headed up Star Academixe which was much better than expected. Great hooks and awesome pro all the way up. the crux (3rd pitch) has a rock over with no feet but amazing pro and bomber axe placements. By the time we started rapping down the wind was howling like a jet fighter over our heads and it had started to snow. The Vallee Blanche is fine to ski down crevasse-wise. The James Bond track is still doing well and you only have to walk a total of 5 mins or so.
Parties on Supercouloir and Gabarrou/Modica
M6 Solar very dry, Pelissier still looking good

Will Sim on the top pitch
Me on the third pitch, crux is the traverse up right ahead. © Will Sim